I have officially left blogger. I found that blogger limited me with what I wanted to so I packed by bags. So go to my new home. Hope you like the new look with the same great content!
All the old posts have been transferred over (and some spiced up as a part of the renovation project).
At times women tend to complain that men do not listen. Men commonly defend themselves by saying they just have selective listening skills.
A few days ago I was in a doctor's office reading a magazine. Actually, I wasn't reading anything because there was nothing of value to read by flipping through a magazine. Sure seemed like a better plan than staring at a blank wall though. While I was reading, a nurse entered the room and called my name (three times). "You're just like my husband," she complained as we walked together. "Men just don't listen."
What if I told you you could save money just by listening? I think most of us could.
While I run there is not much else to do than listen. While I could listen to music I find it much more informative to listen to something that might affect or impact me. If you are a runner, listen to the radio a lot, or drive a lot I wanted to suggest two podcasts you can listen to that might help you with your money.
The first is MoneyLife, a Crown Financial Ministries 30 minute radio show. Click here to download up to two weeks worth of programs.
The second is the Dave Ramsey Show. Dave Ramsey hosts a three hour radio show daily, but allows one hour of his show to be downloaded free each day. To get the Dave Ramsey Show I suggest you download a postcast organizer like Zencast and update it daily to get the show. To download the organizer click here. From there you just need to subscribe to the Dave Ramsey Show.
Luke 17:16-21- As the wealth (blessings increased) this man simply looked for more options for storing the increasing wealth.He horded.The fool is the one who stores up for himself AND is not rich towards God.
Luke 19:8 – Zaccheus gives half his possessions away and Jesus says ‘salvation has come to this house’
Luke 18:22 – Jesus says that nothing short of everything would be what this man needs to give to have eternal life.
Lesson: It is not how much we give, what God seeks is a giving heart. The number might differ from person to person.
What would you say is the condition of your heart? What is your attitude toward money?
In the book, What Would Jesus Do Today? Mike Cope and Rubel Shelly give us a great list of things money can and cannot provide in our lives. Here is the list:
One more trip to the mall cannot fix you. Money Can buy:
Sex, but not intimacy
A house, but not peace
Medicine, but not health
Amusement, but not joy
Therapy, but not healing
A bed, but not sleep
Allies, but not friends
I love that list. At times I think we all misplace our expectations of money. Notice the internal issues that really add meaning cannot be touched by a magic wand. Those parts of us can only be healed by the One who created us.